Heaven is what gold reminds us of. It’s where God lives. God created everything including the trees, animals, and the entire universe. Only one creation is made in His image and that is us. God loves us with perfect love, and He can do that because He is holy and hasn’t done anything wrong. He loves you so much that He gave His only son to us. However, there’s one thing that can’t be in Heaven and that is sin.
Sin is anything we think, say, or do, that breaks God’s laws. Sin is something every one of us has done. That is why we are called sinners. Even if we didn’t do anything wrong, we are born in sin. It would be like our inheritance from generations before us.
Sin could be like stealing, lying, saying bad things about people, or doing mean things to others. Because we are sinners, we are given a punishment. We are separated from God. This means we have no relationship with the one perfect person who loves us.
But God had a wonderful plan for us so that we didn’t have to stay separated from Him. God’s plan was to send His son.
God wanted that personal relationship with us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus, God’s son, grew up like us but never sinned. Because Jesus was perfect, not only could He take the punishment for our sins for us, but He chose to do so.
Three days after Jesus was buried, He rose again. After showing many people that He was alive, He was lifted up to Heaven.
Because of what Jesus did, we have the chance to have our sins forgiven.
When you believe in Jesus, you ask forgiveness for your sins, and you give your life to God telling Him you’ll live for Him. When you do this God forgives everything you did and will do. God is the judge of all things which is why only He can forgive us of our sins. When we are forgiven, we become His children and we have a special relationship with God.
Have you believed in Jesus before?
If you haven’t, then that is something you can do right now by praying to Him; asking Him to forgive your sins, and committing your life to Him. Once you are a child of God, you always are. You won’t stop doing wrong things while here on earth. While you can’t be rejected by God, He still wants you to confess your sin every time. This will keep your relationship with God crystal clear!
If you believed in Jesus, then God wants you to continue to grow in Him every day!
Go to Church: God wants us to find a church and start going each Sunday. He has given the gift to people called Pastors who spend their time studying the Bible. Each Sunday, we learn about God from them and also meet other people who love Jesus.
Read Your Bible: This is the easiest way for us to learn about God. You can read as many verses as your age. Each morning when you get up, you should spend some time alone reading the Bible and praying to God.
Obey: God wants us to obey Him. It can be with going to church or read His Bible which are two things He already commands us to do. When He asks us to do something, He wants us to obey Him. It may even be being nice to someone who’s mean.
Witness: God wants us to tell others about Jesus. The best way is to tell our friends!
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